As Major League Baseball teams partake in opening day festivities over the next week, the Genesee Rebels will finally be able to get on the field! April 1st marks the official opening of Genesee Town Park for seasonal business. As long as the weather holds up, practices for the Rebels will begin Thursday, April 7th and run through August. There's not a better way to spend your Thursday evenings!
The official "Opening Day" for the Genesee Rebels is 44 days away. Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 15th when the Rome Raiders come to town for a noon start to the season. Should be a great day of festivities to kick off what hopes to be a memorable season.
In other news, preparations are in order for the 2nd Annual Spring Training Youth Baseball / Softball Camp hosted by the Rebels. The camp will run on Saturday. May 21st at Genesee Town Park. Any interested ball player between the ages of 8-18 should check out the Camps page for more information. Online Registration is now open!
Keep your eyes peeled around town for the Rebels 2016 Poster Schedule that will be printed this year thanks to our community sponsors. Check out the schedule and new additions to our website over the next few weeks. Thanks to everyone who helps make Rebels Baseball possible.
We'll see you on the ball field!